《潛水員戴夫 DAVE THE DIVER》將在今年4月縱身跳入PS5和PS4,同時公開哥吉拉 DLC

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《潛水員戴夫 DAVE THE DIVER》將在今年4月縱身跳入PS5和PS4,同時公開哥吉拉 DLC


準備好與潛水員戴夫一起探索藍洞的各種奧秘了嗎?加入職業潛水員「戴夫」的行列,在白天捕捉獨特且美味的漁獲,並在夜晚於濱海壽司餐廳餵飽飢腸轆轆的食客。我們很高興能將這個熱門作品介紹給全新受眾:《潛水員戴夫 DAVE THE DIVER》將在今年4月登陸PlayStation,同時帶來巨大駭人的怪獸之王「哥吉拉」。

《潛水員戴夫 DAVE THE DIVER》將在今年4月縱身跳入PS5和PS4,同時公開哥吉拉 DLC


《潛水員戴夫 DAVE THE DIVER》的背景設在神秘的藍洞,藍洞中的生態和地勢會持續有所變化。 本遊戲以結合2D像素和3D美術的獨特風格製作,絕對能令玩家深深著迷。與戴夫一起探索具有不同魚種和生物群落的美麗自然奇景。 

Dave, clad in a blue wetsuit and sporting bright yellow flippers, mask and breathing apparatus, swims above a rocky cliff underwater. Gliding up the cliffside behind him is a huge, grey-toned, shark-like creature.



A packed sushi bar. Customers sit on either side of its central stand, chowing down on food. Behind the counter, Dave can be spotted prepping a bowl of ramen, L2 + R2 button prompts above his head. The game UI runs horizontally along the top and bottom of the screen. Up top, a clock registers the time of day, while Dave’s current cash take is racked up on a digital register. Along the bottom of the screen, and selectable with taps of L1 and R1 are the following options: Menu, Research, Staff, Ingredients and Interior.


《潛水員戴夫 DAVE THE DIVER》這款遊戲提供了各式各樣的不同活動,你絕不會有無聊的時刻。除了潛水及經營壽司餐廳之外,你還可以拍攝水底生態的相片、收集獨特卡片,以及在農場耕種等等。隨著你逐步推動遊戲進度,將能解鎖新內容,讓你有更多全新的精彩內容可以探索。

An example of a minigame shows a seahorse race, as five marine fish gallop towards a finish line while Dave and other characters watch from the sidelines. The UI at the bottom the screen registers your seahorse’s position in the race, as well as button prompts: X to Cheer, up on the left stick to Jump, and down on the same stick to Slide.


在PlayStation 5上,玩家將可以透過DualSense控制器將潛水體驗提升至全新境界。控制器的觸覺回饋能讓你真實地感受到上鉤的魚在拉扯釣魚線的感覺。自適應扳機會根據你使用的武器做出不同的反應,讓戰鬥和釣魚體驗都更具沉浸感。

An in-game character wields a DualSense controller.



A close up shot of Godzilla, who seemingly stares malevolently towards the viewer. His chest and back spines glow a fiery red.

《潛水員戴夫 DAVE THE DIVER》是2023年深受玩家和評論家好評的遊戲作品。如果你也熱愛潛水和壽司,且願意與我們的主角戴夫一起進行刺激的水底冒險,就千萬別錯過首次登陸PlayStation的《潛水員戴夫 DAVE THE DIVER》。

In the background, Godzilla strides across a watery bay towards a sushi restaurant berthed at the far shore. In the foreground, Dave and Cobra stand aboard their fishing vessel, watching the scene unfold.

《潛水員戴夫 DAVE THE DIVER》將在今年4月於PS5和PS4上推出。 

